Tuesday, 30 October 2012


CHOKED - 2012
Birdcage, fishing line, plastic waste items (40cm x 25cm)
(For all enquiries contact - karenstephens.art@gmail.com)

Choked is a personal investigation of my daily association with the consuming and disposing cycle of plastics. 

The small cage represents the ribs of a bird suffocated and heavily stuffed with plastic.
Its body becomes its own prison. 

An assortment of 103 articles of plastic was accounted for within one average week.  These articles were mostly vessels and packaging for food and beverage items. 

To put this into perspective I collected and disposed of - 

1.6       items per hour
14.28   items per day
103      items per week
5356    items per year

Imagine 52 of these bird cages lining the wall – this would be my personal average weekly waste product per year for small items of plastic. 

Now multiply this by our ever increasing population.
(Karen Stephens 31/10/2012)

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